Mar 28, 2020
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Why Social Connections Make Kids Stronger

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Socializing is so important for kids’ development at every stage. Making social connections with other children is how they learn, grow, and prosper. Now, and always.

Whether the connections are made in-person, online, by way of pen pal, or in another creative fashion, the point is for them to tap into their “inner-friendliness” to bond with others.

Making Friends

Friendships are at the core of children’s socialization. They will meet friends in school, among the scouts, during after-school activities and sports, in religious classes, and around the neighborhood. They can even join kid-friendly (and safe/verified) online platforms for kids to “mingle” by way of the web.

If they do embark on long-distance socializing, say online, it’s important that parents are involved. Make sure the sites they visit and the people they are talking to are legit, meant for kids only, etc. Be there while your child corresponds, and be ready for any questions. Your child must come to you immediately if anything doesn’t seem right or suspicious. If possible, set up an online friendship with someone your child already knows (age-appropriate, of course), and they can keep the socialization going online when they cannot meet in person.

Along with online correspondence, writing letters works too. Find a pen pal who would love to communicate this way. The kids can send letters back and forth, and even swap and trade items they’d love for the other to have.

Not every child will connect with everyone they meet, but the more they socialize, the more chances they will have to form a meaningful friendship.

Encourage your kids to socialize, even if they are shy or introverted. They do not have to be the most outgoing of the bunch, and sometimes one-on-one meet-and-greets are more doable for certain personalities.

Parents who have adult friends with kids can get them together for play dates, pen pal exchanges, or parties with a bunch of kids. The more, the merrier!

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a positive and productive way to make social connections with a mission. Not only will children form real relationships, but the applaudable efforts they are putting in to help others is an incredible experience to share. Giving back is beautiful, and doing it with others makes it extra-special.

They will be proud of their teamwork and can grow their bonds from their like-minded efforts to focus on those who need a helping hand.

Kids will also meet others this way that they never may have otherwise come into contact with. It could be elderly people living in a nursing home, the homeless at a soup kitchen, animal shelter workers, clean-up crews, etc.

They can keep in touch with these people even if they can’t see them in person after the volunteer experience is over. Not only will the meeting be lovely, but the lifelong lessons the kids will learn will be incredibly valuable down the line.

The Youth Squad® Program provides you with all the tools you’ll need to help kids make meaningful change in their community while making social connections.


Socializing helps children develop practical communication skills they will take into adulthood. It is a way to learn to engage in conversations, practice compromise, and have patience.

Kids who regularly socialize have the joy of broadening their circle, and there is always room to add more people to the mix.

Socializing makes kids stronger, smarter, and more successful!

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