Apr 3, 2020
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What are Girl Scout SWAPS?

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SWAPS are a fun Girl Scout tradition that is loved and is still practiced today. Girl Scout SWAPS are small gifts that the girls make and trade with each other and are typically made on a safety pin. SWAPS can be traded individually, but also between troops, at service unit events, council events or any other way you can think of!

Creating and trading SWAPS is a really fun way for girls of all ages to make new friends and share special keepsakes. SWAPS are bringing girls of all ages together all over the world – especially with the help of online trading! 

Fun Fact: SWAPS stands for “Special Whatchamacallit Affectionately Placed Somewhere”

SWAPS for Everyone

SWAPS are perfect for all levels of Girl Scouts, and can be as simple or as intricate as you want! I’ve seen some really easy SWAPS that Daisies and Brownies made, and they’re adorable! In addition, I’ve also seen some really complex SWAPS made by Seniors and Ambassadors.

The Superhero Swap is great for girls learning the Law.
The Beauty Swap kit is fun for older girls

Making and trading SWAPS are great ways to interact with sister troops. You can also form a special bond between the girls of each troop!

Your imagination is the only limit when it comes to SWAPS! SWAPS can be created to share something about your troop with others or to capture the meaning of Girl Scouts, or they can just be for fun! 

You can make SWAPS from start to finish with your own materials, or you can purchase prepared kits. You’ll find ideas and kits on the Friendship Swaps page of MakingFriends®.com.

Fun Fact: Girl Scout SWAPS became popular in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Theme or Activity SWAPS

SWAPS can be themed to any event or activity! SWAPS don’t need to have a theme though. They can represent the community of the girl that made the SWAPS or they can just be creative little keepsakes from their own imagination!

Using recycled material or craft supplies left over from previous activities to make SWAPS is a great idea and gives the girls a chance to be more creative! 

SWAPS can be given as gifts from leaders to their Girl Scout troop or to other leaders! A great example of this is when a troop is having a bridging ceremony or at a council event.

SWAPS make great thank you’s for troop sponsors or just giving back to the community. Girls can make SWAPS for their local firefighters, police officers, librarians, veterans and more!

With today’s technology, you can trade SWAPS with people from all over the world and you can find some great pen pals this way too! Check out the forum on Friendshipswaps.com to find people to trade with online! This is a great resource for trading especially if you have extra SWAPS from an event or activity!

Let’s not forget, there are plenty of patches that can go along with SWAPS! 

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