Jul 22, 2020
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Food Swaps

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Food Swaps are fun for all types of scouting events. Snow cones, candy, carrots, donuts, and more! Make a few or make them all!

Also take a look at our Camping Swaps!

Bacon Girl Scout Friendship Food Swap

Bacon Swaps

Make these bacon and eggs food swaps for any camp out or cook out!

From Dawn Goldfarb

Lollipop Girl Scout Food Swap

Lollipop Swaps

These lollipops are a cute and fun way to do a food trade. What girl scout doesn’t like lollipops!

From sassypantsstudio

Girl Scout Taco Food Swap

Taco Swaps

Taco Tuesday is a favorite night for many. Make these taco food swaps for any taco or food event.

From MakingFriends

Girl Scout Sausage and Eggs Friendship Food Swap

Sausage and Eggs Swaps

Who doesn’t love sausage and eggs. It is our go to for breakfast at camp.

From Swaps-A-Lot

Cherry Pie Girl Scout Food Swap

Cherry Pie Swaps

Cherry pie is so delicious and you can show your creativity and love of pie with this swap.

From Swaps4Less

Popsicle Girl Scout Friendship Swap

Popsicle Swaps

Cold popsicles on a hot day is the perfect treat. These cute and easy to make swaps are good for hot summer days.

From Swaps-A-Lot

Snow cone swaps for Girl Scout Events

Snow Cone Swaps

Snowcones are always a fun treat. Remember your summer camping with this swap.

From: MiniMeCratfs

carrot food swap girl scouts

Pip Cleaner Carrot Swaps

These carrots are a fun way to swap a healthy food.

From: Hobby Craft

girl scouts making friends waffle swaps

Waffle Swaps

Waffles are a great breakfast food for at camp or any overnight event.

From Making Friends

Girl Scout Blueberry Picnic Swap

Blueberry Picnic Swaps

What’s better than a blueberry pie? A picnic blanket to go with it.

From: Cupcakes and Lace

Lemonade swaps for Girl Scouts

Lemonade Swaps

These Ice cold lemonade swaps are fun to make and fun to receive.

From: Making Friends

Girls scouts peas in a pod food swap

Peas in a Pod Swap

Girl Scouts are like peas in a pod, so show your fellow sisters how close you are.

from: Just Jess

girl scouts noodle swap

Noodle Swaps

These noodle swaps are easy to make and a fun swap for any occasion. You can even write your troops number on them.

From: Girl Scout Swap Ideas

cotton candy sweets girl scout swaps

Cotton Candy Bag Swaps

Sweet and sugary treats are always in style and this bag of cotton candy looks good enough to eat.

From: Heather Smith

magic girl scout beans swaps

Magic Beans Swaps

There is always magic during Girl Scout events so take advantage of that and grow these magic beans.

From: Swaps 4 Free

Popcorn Tub Swaps

Movies are fun and you can use this swap to remember your event. Whether at home or at a theater.

From: Crystal-Ann Champagne

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